Vet Tales

We are veterinarians who are passionate about educating the pet-adoring world. This podcast is like having a chat with your favorite veterinarian over morning coffee. Here you can learn about the ins and outs of veterinary medicine so you can take the best possible care of your pet. We believe that educating pet caretakers is the most important thing we can do. After all, your pet’s care is our passion!

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Wednesday Mar 27, 2024

Join Dr. Natalie Keith and Dr. Tracy Trussell in a comprehensive episode of "Vet Tales" where they spotlight the common issue of hip dysplasia in dogs. This enlightening conversation aims to help pet owners better understand this disease, recognize its symptoms, and learn about preventive measures. The episode hones in on understanding what causes hip dysplasia and emphasizes the importance of early detection and ways to slow down disease progression.Moving on to the discussion on diagnosing, preventing, and treating hip dysplasia, the experts share valuable tips such as strengthening exercises for dogs and the effectiveness of certain injections to repair cartilage wear and tear. The hosts also emphasize the importance of early intervention before the onset of symptoms for maximum benefit. They also tackle interesting queries about pain management in dogs and misconception about pain manifestations in dogs.A deep dive into canine nutrition reveals how Omega-3-rich fish oils can benefit a dog's health. The hosts also highlight the effectiveness of sedated X-rays in early detection of hip dysplasia, especially in breeds prone to the condition. Through the case study of Max, a senior dog with hip dysplasia, the hosts explore various treatment modalities, including Femoral Head Osteotomy (FHO). This real-life story brings to light the stages of diagnosis all the way through to treatment, showcasing how effective procedures are in preserving dogs' mobility.The episode further narrates an amazing recovery story of a dog battling hip dysplasia. Overcoming the disorder through laser therapy and physical exercises, this tale underscores the resilience of dogs and the critical role of appropriate therapy. The episode also sheds light on total hip replacement surgeries and the importance of X-rays in reaching the right diagnosis.In conclusion, the hosts announce a short break from the podcast to focus on rebuilding their tornado-struck clinic. Ending on a positive note, they promise to return with more comprehensive discussions on the health of pets, expressing gratitude to their listeners for their continued support.

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

Embark on a vibrant and captivating journey with Dr. Josiah Dame and Dr. Natalie Keith as they delve deeper into the captivating world of veterinary medicine. In this episode of Vet Tales, discover engaging veterinary practices' everyday stories while exploring the nuances of medical imaging in animal healthcare.
Understand the world of veterinary imaging, and its significance in advanced imaging techniques such as x-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans and MRI. Learn about common anomalies in pets, from orthopedic issues to obstructions in the abdomen and diseases in the chest, and the critical role of medical imaging tools for the process of diagnosis.
This episode is more than just informative; it's an engaging narrative peppered with fascinating stories and comic references. Join us as we shed light on the fast-paced, digital realm of veterinary medicine and explore the classic usage of barium and its importance in diagnosing and treating obstructions.
Furthermore, delve into real-life situations, like identifying leash ingestion in a bulldog or bladder stones in a schnauzer, through imaging techniques. Discover the irreplaceable role of imaging in animal healthcare and the importance of regular check-ups and non-invasive diagnostic tools for animals' well-being.
Finally, the world of canine cardiology is discussed with an in-depth look at how ultrasounds and radiographs help in understanding heart conditions and various other ailments in pets.
Experience the fascinating case of Lulu, a dog diagnosed with immune-mediated meningitis, emphasizing the importance of timely and accurate diagnosis.
"Vet Tales: Understanding Radiographs, Ultrasound, CT and MRI" is an eye-opening exploration of advanced imaging in veterinary medicine, representing an invaluable resource for pet caretakers, enthusiasts and individuals seeking to understand more about animal health.

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

Experience an engaging yet chilling exploration of Bobcat Fever (Cytauxzoonosis), a tick-borne disease dreaded for its fatal impact on domestic felines. In this latest episode of Vet Tales, our expert hosts, Dr. Dame and Dr. Keith, delve into their first-hand experiences battling this vicious disease sourced from bobcat hosts and their ticks. Learn about the different stages of the disease, the importance of early detection, and the often-heartbreaking aftermath.
To fully drive this episode home, we had the privilege of splicing in some expert answers from a board certified veterinary parasitologist, Dr. Ruth Scimeca, VMD, MSc, PhD, DACVM-Parasit, to give us the latest updates on this deadly disease. (And yes, that's a LOT of letters behind that name!)
Get an insight into the significant stress laid on prevention in the absence of a foolproof cure. The hosts emphasize effective and regular use of tick and flea products and adherence to the best prevention strategies. They also recount their experiences detecting the disease in cats by examining blood smears.
Stay engaged with the intricate discussion around treatment options, including the 'gold standard treatment,' which involves an expensive and hard-to-acquire drug. In a twist of optimism, this conversation takes a hopeful turn as they explore the potential existence of different disease 'strains' influenced by local cat populations and genetic mutations.
An unexpected turn of heartwarming story illuminates the singular bond between a rescue lady and her cat. But with a nod of reality, this intense episode leaves listeners pondering on several theories and questions related to feline health and resilience.
The episode concludes with a strong reminder of the importance of prevention over treatment in veterinary medicine. It invites listeners to stay updated with new findings in the field and develop a deep appreciation for the relentless fight against such dreaded diseases like Bobcat Fever.

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

Join Dr. Natalie Keith and Heather in this enlightening episode of Vet Tales, as they deconstruct the crucial role of geriatric diagnostics in veterinary medicine. Delve into the significance of seven plus screenings and how these preventive measures can drastically improve your pet's quality of life and longevity.
Merge yourself into their anecdotes and case studies, spotlighting the need for these screenings. Gain insights on how ordinary behavioural observations can be warning signs of potential health issues. Listen to a fascinating case study of a Doberman's weight loss, subtly emphasising the importance of noticing changes in bodily functions and appearances.
Get a deep understanding of the tests under this comprehensive screening program. Learn how these tests catch silent killers like spleen tumors early on, which otherwise show no obvious symptoms.
The conversation takes you through the criteria for test selection based on breed size. Heather brings into focus the unique facilities offered by Northside Veterinary Hospital, in Shawnee Oklahoma, providing a hassle-free process for pet owners. Packed with invaluable information, this episode is a must for pet owners aiming to ensure their pet’s healthy well-being.
Additionally, you can delve deeper into topics like reading blood reports, fluctuations in kidney enzymes, and recognizing subtle changes in your pet's health markers over time. Also, get acquainted with common ailments that regular check-ups can detect early on, like anemia and kidney diseases.
Learn about lifestyle and dietary modifications for your pets. For instance, adopting a balanced diet to maintain healthy kidneys is crucial. Understand why emergency surgeries for conditions like spleen tumors are more common than perceived. Remember, early detection can be lifesaving, especially for our aging pets.
This episode also explores various diagnostic tools such as imaging, ultrasounds, X-rays, and the pivotal role they play in maintaining a pet's overall health. Also, discover how urine analysis helps detect early renal diseases and diabetes.
Last but not least, hear about our staff's personalized connection with the pets they care for and times when their instincts pinpointed health issues. This is an episode for all pet caretakers, owners, and health enthusiasts seeking the best care for their beloved companions!

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

Welcome to an insightful episode of "Vet Tales". In this episode, Dr. Natalie Keith and Dr. Josiah Dame explore the common and notorious virus primarily affecting puppies - the parvovirus. Despite the prevalence of parvovirus, many pet owners are puzzled about its symptoms and preventive measures. We discuss the virus, it's symptoms, and emphasize on its preventive yet not completely avoidable nature due to factors like the dog's immunity and the virus strain. Tune in to learn all about parvovirus.
Our vets discuss personal experiences with patients they've treated, including the scare for Dr. Natalie's own dog, giving you a first-hand view of the symptoms, tests, and treatment procedures. Listen to us unpack the significant advancements in the treatments such as monoclonal antibody treatment which is effective in the fight against parvovirus. This candid discussion is intended to educate pet owners about the virus, its potential risks, testing, and treatment options.
This revealing episode of Vet Tales delves into the effects of the Parvo virus on a dog's body, how the pets recover and what veterinarians can do to alleviate the symptoms. Part of the conversation focuses on the supportive care given during the treatment, medication, and in severe cases, use of feeding tubes. Discover the unique challenges we face during treatment, reassuring owners that an extended hospitalization period is normal and necessary.
In addition, we discuss the misconceptions and realities about vaccines and parvovirus in pets, emphasizing the importance of proper handling of the vaccine, potential pitfalls of substandard manufacturers, and the crucial role of veterinarians in making sure your pet is properly vaccinated.
We also highlight the key role of pet insurance, stress the significance of regular vaccinations, and debunk the myth of cross-reactivity of Parvo tests with the vaccine. Don't miss this episode full of valuable insights for pet owners. Tune in now and remember, when it comes to vaccines and pet health, it's always better to be safe than sorry!

Fleas and Ticks and Mites, Oh My!

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

External parasites are, well... disgusting. But they are also something that every pet owner struggles with at some point or another. Today, Dr. Natalie Keith and Dr. Josiah Dame discuss the bugs themselves, as well as preventions and treatments to keep your pets, your family and your environment free of these pesky creatures!

Thyroid Problems - Hyper and Hypo

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024

Join Dr. Natalie Keith and Dr. Josiah Dame in a discussion of the thyroid in both dogs and cats. This episode dives into the differences between dogs with hypothyroidism versus cats with hyperthyroidism. Learn what to look for in your pet, what to avoid, and what to expect if the thyroid goes awry. 

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024

Join Dr. Natalie Keith and Dr. Josiah Dame in this enlightening episode of Vet Tales where they tackle the sensitive subjects of pet treatment plans and finances. Their discussion touches on the importance of pet care education and how costs can impact the care prescribed to pets. It also provides insights into leveraging pet insurance and the significance of accurate diagnostics in treatment through real-world examples.In this candid conversation, Keith and Dame intend to make listeners better equipped, empathetic, and informed pet caretakers. They explore the challenges of managing pet health, balancing quality care, diagnostic measures, and costs. Also, they narrate their experience from real-world cases that they have encountered. They discuss the constant tug-of-war between providing the best care and being mindful of financial implications.Their conversation also sheds light on routine checks, such as checking for worms in puppies, and how even routine practices need to be adjusted depending on individual cases. Furthermore, the noted veterinarians talk about the repetitious challenge of infections and viruses and why they can sometimes be frustrating for all parties involved.With personal anecdotes and clinical examples, Keith and Dame give an engaging glimpse into the medical mysteries they encounter. They passionately convey that their goal is neither wealth nor fame but the welfare of their patients. They convey a beautiful reminder that trust and maintaining open communication with clients is paramount to their profession. Tune in for this engaging episode that offers a comprehensive glimpse into the complex world of veterinary medicine.

Wednesday Jan 31, 2024

Join Dr. Natalie Keith and Dr. Tracy Trussell in the latest episode of Vet Tales as they dissect a peculiar case of a hound mix with a gunshot-induced femur fracture. From fixing complex fractures to underscoring the significance of caregivers in recovery, this episode offers a comprehensive look at the multifaceted field of veterinary medicine.
Our experts dive deep into bone callus healing and bony column alignment, stationary healing's crucial role, and fractures' impact on soft tissues. Conversations around why splints may not always be the best solution reveal essential insights for pet-owners and medical professionals alike.
This episode celebrates the resilience of animals and the invaluable role veterinary professionals play in their healing journey. It shares engaging stories, such as that of a German Shorthaired Pointer, triumphant at a field trial despite amputation and an inspiring gunshot victim dog's recovery.
With reference to the financial aspects of fracture repairs, listeners gain a thorough understanding of the cost implications between surgeries and splinting. Critical insights into why immediate fracture stabilization can lead to a faster recovery, fewer complications, and potentially less financial burden are discussed in detail.
From the urgency of treating a femur fracture to the complexities associated with infections, this enlightening episode illuminates fracture care's intricate layers. The compassionate approach of immobilization, pain management, and eventual surgery is highlighted, demonstrating the commitment to canine health and comfort.
In concluding, Vet Tales offers the uninitiated a profound understanding of fractures in dogs - from emergency to non-emergency scenarios, from femur to toe injuries. Tune into this episode for a rich exploration of veterinary orthopedics through real case studies and the experienced eyes of seasoned veterinarians.

Detecting Health Issues Early

Thursday Jan 25, 2024

Thursday Jan 25, 2024

Join Dr. Natalie Keith and Dr. Josiah Dame in this enlightening episode of Vet Tales as they delve into the key benefits of routine blood work for pets. Sharing compelling veterinary stories, they highlight how regular blood tests can reveal potential health risks before they develop into life-threatening conditions. Specifically, they explore how early detection of diseases, ranging from liver shunt to kidney disease, can provide opportunities for swift and effective treatments, saving a pet's life in some cases. By bringing light to real-life scenarios, the hosts stress the importance of consistent check-ups and voice the need for in-depth understanding of a pet's health beyond superficial appearances. They emphasize the critical importance of this practice, particularly in geriatric animals and pets on long-term medications. Moreover, the hosts share their insights on feline diabetes, a common problem in overweight cats. They provide hope through the possibilities of early detection and the potentially life-changing treatments available. Finally, emphasizing the age-old adage that prevention is better and often cheaper than cure, the hosts urge pet owners to prioritize routine blood work as an essential part of their pet's preventive care. Tune in to learn more about possible ways to improve and potentially extend the lives of your furry companions through the power of regular blood tests.


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