Vet Tales

We are veterinarians who are passionate about educating the pet-adoring world. This podcast is like having a chat with your favorite veterinarian over morning coffee. Here you can learn about the ins and outs of veterinary medicine so you can take the best possible care of your pet. We believe that educating pet caretakers is the most important thing we can do. After all, your pet’s care is our passion!

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Saturday Dec 23, 2023

There's one thing all seizure pets have in common: They've never had a seizure before, until the moment they do. So as a pet owner, be prepared. Know what to do, and what to expect. In some cases, you can even learn how to prevent seizures before they begin. 

Thursday Dec 14, 2023

No one wants to be in a potential emergency situation, but yet many of us find ourselves there from time to time. It's hard to know what to do. Who do you call...? Not ghostbusters. But maybe your local vet? Maybe a true 24-hour emergency vet? There are many decisions to be made. Let's talk through the who's, when's and why's of veterinary emergency today.

Thursday Dec 07, 2023

Everyone loves bringing a poop sample to the vet for their routine parasite check. Good times had by all. But why is this so important? What are we looking for? You see your pet's stools daily and never see any worms in there. Learn the scoop on why we check the poop.

The Tale of Molly the Diabetic

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023

This episode contains our FIRST EVER client interview! In addition to hearing straight from an owner of a diabetic pet, we'll also discuss diabetes in both dogs and cats, as well as new findings and therapies that are SUPER exciting. (At least for us, lol). 

Literal Worms in Their HEART

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023

Heartworms are for real. Real worms. In real hearts. They're silent and deadly. All dogs and cats are at risk. But here's the great news. They are so easy to prevent. And when necessary, treatment is available. So learn with us today about the ounce of prevention and the pound of cure for these unwanted parasites!

Holidays are SO fun.

Thursday Nov 16, 2023

Thursday Nov 16, 2023

I'm not sure how you feel about the holiday season approaching, but we veterinarians have some anxiety about it. Odds are, your pet might be a bit stressed too. So today we talk about all the Holiday trigger points on travel, bringing pets together into a mixed home, eating from the Thanksgiving table, and what to do when things go awry. Let's get through this holiday season together (and in one piece!)

Thursday Nov 09, 2023

Bob Barker definitely says yes. And we get that. But also we get that isn't the right answer for everyone. So, should you spay/neuter? And if so, when? And why? Then what? All those things and more with Dr. Jessica Eastep today!

The Tale of Two Kidneys

Thursday Nov 02, 2023

Thursday Nov 02, 2023

Your pet is probably drinking and peeing fine, so maybe you think this episode doesn't apply to you. But, did you know that the very first symptom of kidney disease is actually increased drinking and urination? This crazy little organ is more complicated than you think. We've got lots to talk about!

The Tale of Toxins

Thursday Oct 26, 2023

Thursday Oct 26, 2023

Toxin ingestion. It's a big scary topic. Do we induce vomiting? Flush the system? How do I know if my dog was poisoned? Is this an emergency? Let's talk through the basics, and what to do if you find yourself in these situations.

The Tale of the Bum Knee

Thursday Oct 19, 2023

Thursday Oct 19, 2023

Lameness in dogs is a common issue. But is it a cruciate tear? What happens if it is? What even IS a cruciate? Dr. Trussell is here to answer these questions and more as we discuss knee damage, diagnosis, management, surgery (TPLOs especially) and recovery.


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